We will undertake it manually in the next steps. Warning: This driver won’t deploy automatically. Once the Google USB drivers is installed, plug as part of your device. We are in the process of upgrading to Win 10 enterprise wide. Solved: Looking for drivers for this Broadcom bluetooth device for win 10 64-bit. The radio transmits and receives information via the antenna and the air interface. Another part of the hardware is the antenna. The hardware consists of a Bluetooth module or chipset, which is comprised of a Bluetooth radio (transceiver) and baseband or a single-chip that contains both. Bluetooth wireless technology includes both hardware and software components. A distinctive advantage for Bluetooth wireless technology is its low power consumption, enabling extended operation for battery powered devices like cell phones, personal digital assistants, and web tablets. It allows any sort of electronic equipment - from computers and cell phones to keyboards and headphones - to make its own connections, without wires, cables or any direct action from a user. Bluetooth wireless technology is an international open standard for allowing intelligent devices to communicate with each other over short range wireless links.